Drunk On the Daily Grind



They intoxicate themselves with work so they won’t see who they really are- Aldous Huxley

Down in the trenches. On the front lines. Nose to the grindstone.

We’ve heard this before, and done this before. And while working hard is by no means a bad idea, let’s not forget that we can often become completely unaware of WHY we are working.

Hard work can be intoxicating. It can be satisfying too. But in that state, it can also distract us from the truth. The truth that we don’t know where we are headed. “Just keep paddling” is a rather unfortunate response in a boat that is bobbing about on the sea.

The remedy?

First, we must answer the question, “Where are we now?”
And next, answer the question, “Where are we headed?”
And then, “Which direction is that from here? North? South?
And finally, “Will paddling get us there?”

After that, we can just keep paddling- in the right direction.

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Mark Whitmore

Mark Whitmore

Mark Whitmore is the Head Coach and founder of Lodestone True North, a dynamic firm of experienced business coaches who help entrepreneurs and managers get to their Land of Awesome.

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