Our Business is to Help You Fix Your Business
Lodestone understands that most organizations are built by the sheer willpower of its founders. Nose to the grindstone every day. Business grows. Staff expands. Responsibilities pile up. Suddenly, there’s too much to do and no time to step back and figure out how to get back on track. So you spin in circles, working harder than ever, but getting few rewards.
“Epiphanies are costly, but the wise find them at half price.”
~Mark Whitmore
We work hard to get you to see what previously has been unseen. which makes all the difference. Hires, fires, culture change, strategy change all spring from the sudden epiphany that you’ve been doing it wrong. We are in the business of “getting the lights to come on.”
Customization on top of a proven framework.
Frameworks are extremely important, but often unforgiving. We see them as a skeleton on which to build unique, custom-fitted tools. All of our work revolves around getting tools to fit your hand as an operator, so that you can do your best work.
Coral Reef
We own the building where we operate- this is unique in coaching and consulting circles. We are fostering a symbiotic, private, autonomous relationship between our clients and other professionals that revolves around our one-of-a-kind building. Dynamic cross-pollination of ideas and relationships happens on a daily basis here. As a client, you become a welcome member of our community.
Lodestone True North, led by longtime entrepreneur and founder Mark Whitmore, offers the guidance and practical tools you need to create a powerful leadership team to reinvigorate your business and fulfill your original vision.
Our Strategic Fingerprints
We create epiphanies
Custom tools on top of proven framework
Coral Reef (Our Location)
“Your strategic fingerprints are the unique way that the business impacts its customers. It sets you apart from your competition, and these “unique’s” should be the core to your strategy.”
~Mark Whitmore

Our time with Mark has brought our team together, has helped us clarify our message, get the right people into the right seats, build a map towards our future, and develop processes to help us get there.

One of the most remarkable qualities of Mark is his unwavering commitment to holding me accountable. He has consistently challenged me to push beyond my comfort zone and strive for excellence. His ability to provide constructive feedback and gently nudge me towards growth has been instrumental in my personal and professional development.
Some Of Our Latest Resources
The Walls on the Path of Execution
I keep running headlong into walls. They stop me cold. My face is marred with the scars from years of journeying into, and then over, the walls that...
Podcast Episode 055: How To Do Great Work, Paul Graham
Episode 055 - Mark reads an excerpt from the essay "How to do great work" by Paul Graham This except talks about the...
Stuck in the Middle
Usually when I start some great new initiative, it takes off with a bang, only to die in the middle. Or, perhaps its...
Every business requires vision, execution and a confident team.
What guides your ship?