Episode 055 – Mark reads an excerpt from the essay “How to do great work” by Paul Graham This except talks about the value of experience.
0.00 Intro
1:00 Reference to interview of Jared Kushner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co_MeKSnyAo
3:04 Reading an excerpt of the essay “How to do great work” by Paul Graham – Read the whole essay here: http://www.paulgraham.com/greatwork.html This except talks about the value of experience
7:07 Focusing on the idea of experience and learning
7:43 The first paragraph is lauding to the 80/20 principle
9:44 Journaling as an exercise
10:39 The AAR template and exercise (see Episode 032 for more on this and a free download of the template: https://lodestonetruenorth.com/podcast-episode-032-aar-exercise/ )
15:46 Take-aways… * More self aware
18:38 TOMKAT Tool
Music – The Storm by Tedeschi Trucks Band
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