Podcast Episode 033: Four exercises that help to put a bow on the past year


In this episode of the Business Broken to Smokin’ Podcast:
Lodestone True North’s Head Coach Mark Whitmore and his right hand man Shane Kardos discuss 4 tools or exercises that help to put a bow on the past year.

0:00 Intro
0:52 Shoutout to Greg Cleary https://pinnaclebusinessguides.com/

4:27 Pain points… It’s hard to exit from the present and be objective
6:00 The tyranny of the urgent
9:14 We have a hard time having a comprehensive view of the business
12:54 Book reference – Sold Out: How Broken Supply Chains, Surging Inflation, and Political Instability Will Sink the Global Economy by James Rickards

18:29 Three types of responses or big reactions we see when asking clients “So, how did the past year go, financially?”

  • Gross/big/giant assumptions
  • Deer in the headlights
  • Mass amounts of data or mistrust of the data

27:37 These 4 tools help to calibrate your general macro comprehensive business strategy

31:38 Hall of Fame – Take a look back over the year and say, “What did we crush? What is it they we really nailed?”
35:48 One of the take-aways of doing this exercise: The team realizes that they don’t keep track of this stuff. They don’t have a place to store these things…
47:09 Working with a good business coach helps you to gather all of this stuff, to see how important it is, and to keep at if year after year. It isn’t a one-and-done kind of thing. There’s a lot of tooling that is multi-year.
51:04 Shoutout to Richard Palmer Smith https://www.thepeakcoach.com/
52:07 Broken and Smokin’ exercise – take a good comprehensive look at what about the business needs fixed (broken) and what about the business are we crushing or really good at? (smokin’)
58:50 Some challenges: people don’t like to talk about what they’re good at. Also, folks will say what is broken and then immediately start trying to fix it by complaining or expressing themselves emotionally.
1:03:47 When you get to the leadership team level, your day job (when you boil it down) is really thinking and talking…
1:09:28 The Broken and Smokin’ exercise is really to tee-up what we be trying to solve in the coming year
1:15:06 Book reference – Thou Shall Prosper by Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Music – New Year’s Day – U2

Website: https://www.lodestonetruenorth.com
Website: https://www.bigeasydesk.com
LinkedIn Book Club Group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/14158790/
LinkedIn Mark: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-whitmore-lodestone/
LinkedIn Lodestone: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lodestone-true-north
Lodestone Online Courses: https://lodestone.thinkific.com

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Mark Whitmore

Mark Whitmore

Mark Whitmore is the Head Coach and founder of Lodestone True North, a dynamic firm of experienced business coaches who help entrepreneurs and managers get to their Land of Awesome.

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