Podcast Episode 053 – Deep dive into the 6 types of Working Genius with Preston True, Part 1 of 2


In this episode of the Business Broken to Smokin’ Podcast:
Lodestone True North’s Head Coach Mark Whitmore and business coach Preston True https://www.gettpafit.com/ take a deep dive into the 6 Types of Working Genius by Patrick Lencioni.

About Preston:
After 25 years of managing and owning entrepreneurial businesses, Preston has lived through some of the brightest days and darkest nights. He’s learned owning and operating a business requires a new level of fitness well beyond the day you started it. The stamina required to scale rocky peaks, navigate dark valleys and reach your pinnacle is not achieved without the right people, purpose, playbook and performance.

0:00 Intro
3:01 Shoutout to Mammoth Distilling in Michigan https://mammothdistilling.com
5:44 Documentary called “Neat: The Story of Bourbon” https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7109844/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk
6:27 Movie references:

10:56 How did you get started with The 6 Types of Working Genius? https://www.workinggenius.com
15:15 Shoutout to David Quick! https://helpingbulls.com
         (we were trying to come up with Christopher Guest’s name)
15:40 Previous episodes with David Quick:

17:00 “One of the most important characteristics of a leader is self-awareness”
18:12 Broken into 3 groups: Working Genius, Working Competency, and Working Frustration
21:25 Understanding your role in a project context…
Joy plus Fulfillment equals Productivity
23:29 The 6 Types of Working Genius, spells the word “WIDGET

  • Wonder: Identifies the need for improvement or change
  • Invention: Confirms the importance of that need, and generates an idea or solution
  • Discernment: Assesses the merit and workability of the idea or solution
  • Galvanizing: Generates enthusiasm and action around the idea or solution
  • Enablement: Initiates support and assists in the implementation of the idea or solution
  • Tenacity: Commits to ensuring that the idea or solution gets completed and that desired results are achieved 

31:17 Working Genius is really all about productivity…
31:48 Reference to 3 signs of a miserable job by Patrick Lencioni

  • Irrelevance
  • Anonymity 
  • Immeasurability 

35:53 How do you measure self-awareness in someone?
40:35 How often have you seen someone not receptive to that convo?
43:37 Quote from the book Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely – “Money as it turns out, is very often the most expensive way to motivate people…”

Music – Push by Matchbox Twenty

Website: https://www.lodestonetruenorth.com
Website: https://www.bigeasydesk.com (The best co-working space in Northeast Ohio!)
LinkedIn Book Club Group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/14158790/
LinkedIn Mark: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-whitmore-lodestone/
LinkedIn Lodestone: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lodestone-true-north
Lodestone Online Courses: https://lodestone.thinkific.com

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Mark Whitmore

Mark Whitmore

Mark Whitmore is the Head Coach and founder of Lodestone True North, a dynamic firm of experienced business coaches who help entrepreneurs and managers get to their Land of Awesome.

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