Fill out the form below to download the free worksheet mentioned in this podcast!In this episode Mark and Shane talk about a new tool Mark developed called “Pump the Brakes” - a hack to balance out making decisions with your gut and...
Free Tools To Get Your Business Back On Track
“Take a walk!”
Take a walk! A reading from The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday. June 21, 2023.
Podcast Episode 039 – Erodium PU36 Space Modulator Tool, or Digging In The Dirt
In this episode of the Business Broken to Smokin’ Podcast: Lodestone True North’s Head Coach Mark Whitmore and his right hand man Shane Kardos discuss digging down into the roots of issues. 0:00 Intro8:00 At the root of all issues, at the end of the day, it basically...
Playbook This is what a playbook sounds like. Your playbook should be one page front and back, super simple. Like playing football and the guys look at a playbook and cover it up. This is how I run my business - one page, front and back. Get it...
3 Things to Know Before You Grow Your Business
“Can business growth be a bad thing? Here are three things you’re going to need to know before you grow. Mark Whitmore, head coach, Lodestone True North Let’s talk about something that Jim Collins pointed out in his book, Good to Great. He...
The 80/20 Rule “Mark Whitmore here, head coach at Lodestone True North. I want to talk to you for a minute about how to stimulate growth in your business. First of all, let’s go over a couple things by what we mean...
Ideas into actions
So you've decided to get up out of your box, the one in which your compadres reside, and you've opened your eyes to the realities and viewpoints and fresh angles and new perspectives gained from outside your old position. Now what? Reduce it down to it's essential...
Spring Cleaning
For me, Spring is the best time to set new resolutions, not the new year. This is when everything starts to come alive. The daylight is longer, and brighter. Spring is infectious. January is, well, depressing. This is the time to look at your organization and tune it...
A Little Bit On Maps
I've been working on my family budget. Tax time is a great opportunity to revisit your strategies and make sure you're on track. On track with what? With your plan. Your strategy. You know, the one you wrote down clearly and carefully. The one that has all the good...
More On Accountability
Let me try bring some clarification to the term 'Accountability.' There are several ways to use this word. One way refers to being held responsible for certain actions or outcomes. Like your tax bill. You are being held accountable by the IRS. If you don't hold up...
Many of us escaped the 'Boss' and the 'J.O.B.' because of the pressure coming from up the chain. Or because of the ridiculous management style, or company culture, or downright stupidity emanating from 'The Man.' We hoped to escape some form of toxic accountability,...
Tunnel Vision
Residing inside an organization, like a family or a business, can be much like inhabiting the inside of a pipe. Hard to know what is going on outside of it. Pipes have two parts, the inside and the outside. You can’t be in both places at the same time. How often have...
The Lodestone Team of Business Coaches Speak Your Language.
Because they are all entrepreneurs, they understand the pain of running a business. They are trained to lead sessions so you can learn how to get back on track, and rediscover why you want to succeed.